Data Visualisation for Business in R
Plots for Publication
Thomas Wise
Session Objectives and Transferable Skills
- Understand how to apply good data visualisation techniques to publishable plots
- Understand the flexibility of ggplot, and how to utilise this flexibility in producing publishable plots
- Using the tidyverse, in particular ggplot2
- Advanced functions in ggplot, relating to specific graphical customisation
- Creating standardised plots for publication
- Introduction (5 minutes)
- Part 1: (40 minutes)
- Specifying the visual plotting space with themes
- Specifying plotting axis’s
- Break (5 minutes)
- Part 2: (35 minutes)
- Specifying labels, titles and other annotations
- Specifying layouts: ggarrange vs facet_grid
- Review and Conclusion (5 minutes)
Part 1
Specifying the visual plotting space with themes
- Using foundation theme()
- Line elements: element_line()
- Rectangular elements: element_rect()
- Text elements: element_text()
- Using presets
- theme_bw()
- theme_classic()
- theme_dark()
- theme_light()
- theme_minimal()
- theme_void()
Specifying the axis’s
- Simple Shortcuts:
- lims(x = c(min, max), y = c(min, max))
- Advanced Used
- scale_x_continuous() / scale_y_continuous()
- scale_x_sqrt() / scale_y_sqrt()
- scale_x_log10() / scale_y_log10()
- Internal Arguments
- breaks, minor_breaks, n.breaks
- labels, limits
Part 2
Specifying Labels
- Simple Shortcuts
- Internal Arguments
- title, subtitle, caption
- x, y
- Advanced Used
- annotate(): geom (“text”, “rect”, etc), x, y, label
- geom_vline: xintercept
- geom_hline: yintercept
Specifying Layouts
- facet_grid()/facet_wrap()
- rows / cols = vars(named variable)
- ggarrange
- ncol / nrow = numeric value
- …, = stored data variable
- common.legend = TRUE/FALSE
Questions, Comments and More
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- Follow me: @thomasj_wise